Trump's Crimes
It is not our job as citizens to decide whether Trump is guilty of a high crime or misdemeanor . That job belongs to the US Senate. But we can demand an investigation if we believe that a crime has been committed.
Some topics that should be considered as possible charges for impeachment include:
- The Ukraine Bribe - Trump witheld funds needed by Ukraine to fight Russian and requested that the Ukraine announce an investigation into the Biden family for personal political gain.
- The Russian Connection - According to US Intelligence, Russia helped Trump get elected. Trump has strong personal and business ties to Russia. Congress and the FBI are already investigating. There is a good summary on Wikipedia.
- Violation of Emoluments Clause - The US Constitution forbids accepting payments or fees from foreign powers.
- Obstruction of Justice - Trump fired James Comey, an FBI director in charge of investigating Trump and is constantly trying to undermine the Justice Department and the FBI investigations that relate to Trump.
- Conspiring to Commit Campaign Finance Violation - Trump worked with Michael Cohen to hide payments to former sex partners so they would stay quiet and not influence the election.
- Misinforming the Electorate - Trump is undermining democracy by consistently lying to the public.
- Violation of the First and Fifth Amendments - Trump is trying to ban Muslims from entering the United States.
- Conflict of Interest - Trump retained ownership and family control of Trump businesses and then used his office to promote the businesses of himself, his family and supporters.
- Abuse of Power - Trump punished critics by revoking their security clearances.
- Revealing State Secrets - Trump revealed secrets to Russia that threatened US and Israeli security.
- Failing to Protect the United States - Trump rejects the scientific consensus that led the Pentagon to describe Climate Change as a serious threat to our security.